The "godfather of artificial intelligence," Geoffrey Hinton, has forewarned of the perils posed by this technology. Hinton asserted that "smart things can outsmart us" and that AI systems "will have learned from us, by reading all the novels that ever were and everything Machiavelli ever wrote, how to control others." At a symposium held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hinton was the featured speaker. Hinton expressed concern over the potential for evil actors, such as countries, to use AI systems for their own ends and proposed that an international agreement, similar to the Chemical Weapons Convention, would be needed to manage AI.
It's good to hear that governments are starting to take the risks of AI seriously. The discussion between the White House and tech CEOs is a positive step toward finding ways to mitigate the risks associated with AI. The new AI rules being considered by European lawmakers are also a positive development, as they may help establish guidelines for the ethical use of AI. However, it's important to note that there is no simple solution to the challenges posed by AI, and more investigation and cooperation will be required to guarantee that the technology is created in a secure and responsible way.
Mitchell's comments raise an important point about the need to address current issues with AI technology, such as bias and discrimination, while also considering future risks. It's important to prioritize the ethical and responsible development and use of AI, including setting practical safeguards and regulations, while also considering the potential long-term risks associated with the technology. It will take collaboration and cooperation from researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, and the public to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole.
Bengio and others who support a pause on developing more powerful AI systems argue that it would allow time for researchers to better understand the risks and consequences of such technologies and develop safeguards before they are unleashed into the world. They also believe that it would help shift the focus from developing more powerful AI to improving the ethical and social impact of current AI systems. However, not all AI experts agree with this approach, with some arguing that it could stifle innovation and progress in the field.
That's a valid point. There is currently a lot of debate among AI researchers about the potential paths to achieving superhuman intelligence, with some arguing that it will come from gradually improving and scaling up existing AI systems, while others believe that a fundamentally new approach will be needed. There is also disagreement about how long it will take to achieve such intelligence, with estimates ranging from a few decades to several centuries or more. However, most experts agree that it's important to start thinking about the potential risks and ethical implications of advanced AI well in advance, rather than waiting until it's too late.
Gomez believes that there is a need for more nuanced discussions on the benefits and risks of AI language models like ChatGPT. While acknowledging the potential dangers, he also believes that there is a lot of hype and fearmongering that is not based on the current state of technology. He argues that focusing on extreme hypothetical scenarios is not productive and can distract from real policy efforts to regulate AI. Instead, he believes that it is important to have open and transparent discussions on how to ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly, and that the benefits are fairly distributed.
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