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Between the school and artificial intelligence: integration or differentiation


Between the school and artificial intelligence: integration or differentiation

Don't worry, high school students are unlikely to start using artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT en masse to write their term papers. However, there could be a valuable and ethical classroom use for these new programs that are capable of producing human-like text.

Northern Illinois educators are exploring the implications of ChatGPT, which was launched in November of last year. ChatGPT is a "chatbot" - a computer program that can comprehend and respond to human conversation based on pre-set data. ChatGPT operates from a vast database, according to Andrea Guzman, an associate professor of communications at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.

In theory, students could use ChatGPT to avoid writing and researching by using the software to produce their essays and term papers.

The dean of students at Sterling High School, Alexandra Miller, stated, "It's making us look at our processes."Just because it's so accessible to everybody. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's really kind of rocking our world right now and dominating social media and conversations."

Concerns about academic dishonesty prompted some teachers to have students complete writing assignments in class rather than at home. But other educators believe that the new technology might have a place in the existing curriculum, or that its unsuitability will become apparent at some point.

The increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) software such as ChatGPT, which can generate human-like text, has led some teachers to question the authenticity of students' papers. To combat this, schools have implemented plagiarism detection systems like, while others rely on experienced teachers who can detect changes in a student's writing style that suggest outside help was used.

Rock Falls High School Assistant Principal Kris Smith said that students who use AI to complete assignments receive a zero and face detention and the loss of final-exam exemptions for repeat offenses. However, some educators prefer to address the root of the issue by eliminating the possibility of cheating through at-home assignments entirely. Johnsburg High School English teacher Meg Oeffling said that, while in-class writing can be challenging, it guarantees that the work is original and eliminates the need for teachers to spend time playing a "gotcha game."

Ultimately, educators are divided on whether AI has a place in the classroom. While some are concerned about the potential for cheating, others believe that the technology could be used to enhance the curriculum. The issue remains contentious, and as AI continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how educators adapt to the changing landscape of education.

According to some educators, the use of AI technology, such as ChatGPT, in academic writing assignments is a violation of personal ethics. However, some schools are finding ways to incorporate the technology into their curriculums.

The Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 does not plan to ban the use of ChatGPT by their students. Instead, the district intends to help teachers understand how to utilize the platform for educational purposes. The district plans to monitor the development of AI technology and reassess its use in the future.

Some teachers at Sterling have discussed how to use ChatGPT as a resource for students. The platform may be used to generate short-answer responses for students to critique, revise, and comment on. The tool could also be useful for students struggling with writing an introduction to a term paper.

Some educators believe that writing is thinking and that the thinking component is essential to the learning process. The key question going forward is whether or not AI technology complements or circumvents the thinking process.

Oeffling suggests that ChatGPT could be used unconventionally as a tool to generate interesting articles on various topics. Despite concerns about the use of AI technology in academic writing, some educators believe that with reasoned responses based on what AI technology can and cannot do, the technology can be a helpful educational resource.
