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Can AI produce a genuine commencement speech?

 Can AI produce a genuine commencement speech?

As May arrives, Rhode Island's college seniors are celebrating their graduation from esteemed institutions, poised to embark on a journey of leaving their mark on the world. According to the Education Data Initiative, this year will witness approximately 19,782 graduating seniors, accompanied by their families and friends, eagerly participating in commencement ceremonies. These ceremonies serve as a significant academic milestone in the lives of the graduates. Commencement speakers, allotted around 10 minutes (up to 2,500 words) for their address, play a pivotal role in imparting advice and inspiration that will resonate with the graduates as they navigate their personal and professional lives in the years ahead. The speeches, ranging from serious to lighthearted, are expected to be genuine, motivational, and informative. Thanks to the power of the internet, the wisdom shared by these commencement speakers becomes accessible to millions worldwide. Whether one is a graduate or not, delving into these speeches can offer valuable insights to anyone receptive to the knowledge being shared. While some graduates may not retain specific details from the ceremony, they are likely to remember the uplifting emotions experienced throughout the commencement program.


In my previous articles on commencement speeches, I have emphasized that one doesn't necessarily have to be a politician, judge, television or radio personality, actor, or Fortune 500 CEO to offer valuable advice and tips to graduating seniors. In fact, it has become increasingly popular to have graduates themselves or individuals from diverse backgrounds who have overcome obstacles in their lives deliver these commencement addresses. Often, these addresses prove to be the most valuable, as they offer practical wisdom and everyday knowledge that resonates deeply with the graduates. It reinforces the idea that inspiration and guidance can come from anyone, regardless of their professional stature.


In June 2014, I wrote an article offering valuable advice to the Class of 2014 on how to navigate their professional journey in a state marked by the unfortunate distinction of having the nation's worst employment rate and being one of the last states to experience an economic revival - Rhode Island. The article aimed to provide insights and strategies for graduates to smoothly transition into their chosen career paths despite the challenging local job market.


The article emphasized the presence of numerous potential commencement speakers within local communities across the Ocean State who often go unnoticed but possess invaluable wisdom and strategies for success derived from their unique life experiences. These individuals, who may not be in the public spotlight, offer a wealth of knowledge that can greatly benefit college graduates as they embark on their post-graduation journeys.


One of the tips provided by Michael Cassidy, a retired individual from Pawtucket, highlights the importance of avoiding hasty judgments when encountering new people in the workplace as graduates transition from the sheltered environment of college to the "real" world. Cassidy emphasizes that individuals in the workplace come from diverse backgrounds, encompassing various characteristics such as temperaments, personalities, ages, and experiences. By being open-minded and attentive, graduates have the opportunity to learn from others, gaining insights not only about what actions to take but also about what to avoid. Cassidy emphasizes that sometimes, the most valuable lessons come from understanding what not to do.


Susan Sweet, a former state administrator, non-profit lobbyist, and advocate from Rumford, shared a profound perspective on the purpose of our existence. She emphasized that during our relatively brief time in this world, it is essential to find meaning by making meaningful contributions to the happiness and well-being of others, including sentient beings. According to Sweet, the true purpose of life lies in engaging in good and purposeful work, demonstrating care, and taking action to improve the lives of others.


Larry Sullivan, representing Net Compliance Solution's technical and consulting services, emphasized the importance of recognizing opportunities and cultivating a positive self-image. According to Sullivan, many individuals tend to have narrow search criteria, which can prevent them from noticing opportunities that are right in front of them. He cautions against falling into the trap of being unable to see the bigger picture due to excessive focus on specific details. Additionally, Sullivan advises individuals to view themselves as valuable assets. A positive self-image plays a crucial role in attracting opportunities. When one sees themselves as a valuable asset and presents themselves accordingly, others will perceive them in the same light.


Joan Retsinas, a writer hailing from Providence, encourages graduates to embrace a mindset of savoring life's simple pleasures. Retsinas emphasizes the importance of finding joy in both sunny and rainy days, appreciating the presence of friends, family, and colleagues. She encourages nurturing the relationships with those close to us, advocating for being a supportive friend. Retsinas urges graduates to experience love, and if it fades, to be open to falling in love again. She suggests engaging in activities that bring delight, such as reading "Winnie the Pooh" to a child, enjoying ice cream, riding a bike, swimming in the ocean, and laughing. Lastly, Retsinas reminds graduates not to dwell on the pursuit of fame, fortune, and success, as they ultimately hold little significance in the grand scheme of things.


This year, I have not been approached to deliver a commencement speech. However, in light of the discussions surrounding AI and its ability to generate essays and assignments, I became curious about what it could create with a few prompts. With the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, future commencement speakers might be tempted to employ this tool to craft speeches that are both inspiring and memorable. ChatGPT, for instance, is capable of mimicking human speech and generating high-quality content within seconds. This presents a new avenue for swiftly producing speeches that truly resonate with the audience and create a lasting impact.


Utilizing ChatGPT to compose a speech can indeed offer time-saving benefits while allowing for customization to suit the audience and purpose. However, it is important to note that providing ChatGPT with comprehensive details is crucial for generating a speech that aligns with your requirements. After receiving the initial draft, investing time in reviewing, refining, and tweaking the speech becomes essential to ensure it precisely meets your needs. This collaborative effort between human and AI can result in a well-crafted and impactful speech.


Massachusetts Congressman Jake Auchincloss showcased a unique and creative approach during his recent speech on the House floor concerning a bill to establish an AI research center. To emphasize his point about artificial intelligence, Congressman Auchincloss utilized the assistance of the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT to craft his speech. This innovative approach highlights the integration of technology into the realm of policymaking, demonstrating the potential for AI to contribute to the legislative process. By leveraging ChatGPT, Congressman Auchincloss aimed to deliver a well-informed and impactful address on the subject of AI research.


In a January 20 article by Andrew Paul, a staff writer for Popular Science, it was revealed that participants of the World Economic Forum's Davos summit openly acknowledged their use of AI in crafting speeches and emails. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, speaking with CNN, shared that he relies on ChatGPT as a "writing assistant and thought partner" in his daily tasks. Paul's article highlights that ChatGPT aids Nadella in creating emails and speeches, employing a friendly, upbeat, and authoritative tone with a varied cadence. This example showcases the increasing acceptance and integration of AI technologies in various professional domains, including speechwriting and communication.


In a notable development, Isaac Herzog, the president of Israel, made history as the first world leader to openly utilize ChatGPT during a speech. The occasion was the Cybertech conference held in Tel Aviv, where a portion of President Herzog's speech was composed with the assistance of AI, as reported by the Jerusalem Post. ChatGPT specifically contributed to the introduction of the speech and generated an inspirational quote to conclude it. This event signifies a growing trend, with more individuals, including Congressman Auchincloss, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, and now President Herzog, embracing ChatGPT and similar AI technologies as a tool for crafting speeches. It is likely that this trend will continue, as more people recognize the potential and convenience of leveraging the latest AI technology to enhance their speechwriting endeavors.


I present this commencement address to the senior class of 2023 with the intention of motivating and empowering you for the future.

. It is with deep gratitude that I stand before you today, witnessing the beginning of your new journey. As you step into the next chapter of your lives, it is undeniable that you face a world filled with uncertainties and unparalleled challenges. The global pandemic has shaken the very foundations of our existence, leaving no aspect of our lives untouched. The economy grapples with difficulties, and political divides continue to widen with each passing day. However, amidst these formidable trials, I hold firm in my belief that you possess the necessary tools to navigate these uncharted waters and triumph in any path you choose to tread.




Before anything else, I want to recognize the profound impact that recent events have had on each and every one of us, and I feel compelled to provide guidance on how to navigate through these circumstances. The ongoing pandemic has undeniably reshaped our lives, transforming the ways in which we live, work, and engage with one another. It has compelled us to embrace adaptability, as we have been required to discover innovative approaches to problem-solving. Moreover, it has served as a poignant reminder of the significance of community and the profound influence that human connections can wield.


As you venture forth into the vastness of the world, always bear in mind that you do not walk this path in isolation when confronted with these trials. Endeavor to seek out and cultivate connections with individuals who align with your principles and can offer solace during moments of adversity. Prioritize the well-being of both your physical and mental states, and exhibit proactive behavior by seeking assistance whenever necessary. Moreover, let patience and compassion be your guiding lights, both towards yourself and others, as we collectively navigate the uncharted territories of these uncertain times.


The challenging economic landscape stands as yet another significant hurdle that you are likely to encounter as you embark on your professional journey. The job market may prove to be arduous, and it may require more time and perseverance than anticipated to secure your ideal position. However, it is imperative to remember that setbacks are temporary, and your unwavering diligence and commitment will eventually yield fruitful results. Embrace a mindset that remains receptive to new opportunities and exhibits a willingness to acquire additional skills, thereby enhancing your appeal to potential employers. In the face of a struggling economy, one of the most vital measures you can take is to exercise financial responsibility. By living within your means, saving whenever feasible, and avoiding unnecessary debt, you will gain invaluable flexibility and freedom as you navigate the intricate realms of both your career and personal life.
