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The field was introduced to artificial intelligence.

 The field was introduced to artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives. From using Google Maps to find directions, to receiving music recommendations on Spotify, and even choosing shows to watch on streaming platforms, we are constantly being influenced by AI. However, it was not until the emergence of ChatGPT that we truly realized the full potential of this technology, which both amazed us and even caused some concern.


Although it may not be as evident as in the case of ChatGPT, AI has been in use in various fields for some time now, including agriculture. In fact, the use of AI tools by agricultural producers is becoming increasingly common. Let's explore some examples.


Satellite images are now essential tools for agricultural producers. It is becoming more and more common to find ourselves in meetings where it is necessary to share such images to justify or explain certain agronomic outcomes. Our "eyes in the sky" have become indispensable allies for modern producers. Have you ever wondered how a satellite can distinguish a wheat crop from a barley crop from thousands of kilometers above, while we - the so-called experts - Do you have to get out of the truck? The key is in artificial intelligence.


The only way we can interpret these satellite images is thanks to AI, which helps us decipher and convert the different wavelengths into valuable information. All digital agricultural platforms rely on AI. Until recently, the main focus of digital agriculture was on achieving greater precision in satellite images (hence the debates on whether a particular image was from Landsat 5 or Landsat 8), and therefore, it was necessary to invest in "hardware" such as more advanced satellites. However, the current focus is on investing more and more in AI tools that can interpret and extract the most useful information from the image in question.


Another notable example of the digital revolution we are experiencing is the emergence of "smart" spraying technology. Nowadays, there are multiple offerings that provide sensors that can be installed on sprayer booms, transforming the equipment into an "intelligent" one. With this technology, the equipment is capable of recognizing weeds in the crop and deciding (within microseconds) whether to apply herbicides or not, resulting in significant savings in herbicide usage and a reduction in environmental impact. This is yet another example of how AI is being applied to the field of agriculture.


However, this is just the beginning. The evolution of AI includes applications based on machine learning, where the system can learn from acquired data and make decisions based on its learning. Imagine an application that can "remember" the location of every single weed in the field. Using machine learning, the system could predict and anticipate which weeds will reappear the following year and suggest the most effective herbicide cocktail to apply, in order to prevent or minimize the development of resistance. Argentine entrepreneurs are currently working on such applications, using data obtained from "smart" spraying as their "raw material."



We have grown accustomed to being recognized on social media platforms, irrespective of our attire or hairstyle. This serves as an example to introduce a new category of AI based on neural networks. Neural networks are a type of AI that teaches computers to process data in a way that is modeled after the human brain's functioning. Every time technology recognizes one type of barley from another (something that was previously only possible through a complex and expensive PCR test), it utilizes AI based on neural networks. To accomplish this, the machine must be taught to recognize all the different varieties of barley available. This is a valuable moral lesson: even AI does not come into the world with all the knowledge, and its learning process is complicated.


gathered to discuss the ethical implications of AI and to call for responsible development and use of this technology. It is clear that the potential benefits of AI are enormous, but it is equally clear that there are ethical issues that must be addressed to ensure its responsible development and deployment. It is important that as AI continues to advance, we remain mindful of its potential impact on society and take steps to ensure that it is developed in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.
